Friday, October 21, 2011

Orlando part une

So I am a bad little blogger. Def not up for any blog awards:-)

Anyway on with the show.

We arrived in Orlando to searing heat. Really after winter here it was just incredible. You can actually feel your skin burning.

Day One

Well this day was pretty boring. After the nightmare road trip we weren't really up to much. The afternoon consisted of shopping for food for the week but US style. A gallon or two of milk anyone. I have never left a store with so many giant things. Partly amusing but mostly scary. I once saw a comedian who said that he spent hours washing out yoghurt pots to recycle and generally being good to the environmental cause until he went to the States on holiday and realised that he was doing was equivalent to showing up to an earthquake disaster with a brush and pan and volunteering to help. The US is a throwaway society on a scary scale.  Enough doom and gloom:0 We ordered Chinese takeaway for dinner. Great dinner as when we got home none of what we had ordered was in the packet. The place was a fair drive away so we had suprise I have no idea what I am eating for dinner. Could be dog? I got a fortune cookie and lets just say I wasn't impressed.

Not sure how that is my fortune!

Day Two

We hit the Magic Kingdom at 9am opening time. We went on all the little kid rides such as Its a small world(the worlds most irritating song), Peter Pan, Speedway and lots of other make Ewan happy rides. The kidlet and adults had a blast. Great to have some fun time after the awful weekend. For lunch I had booked a table at the Crystal Palace. Its a character buffet with Winnie the Pooh and friends. The food was really good and Ewan was so exicited that it was worth every cent. He also decided to eat most of his meal and drink through a straw for the first time so that was a bonus. The characters all vist each table and each time Ewan saw one coming he would start bouncing in his chair with excitement.  They all gave him a hug and he gave Piglet a kiss. All very sweet:) Next time I will book a couple of the character meals as the excitement and joy from the kidlet made me wish I had booked more.  He passed out on the way back to the car big day for little ones. Going home each day for a couple of hours was a great idea. We headed back to the park in the evening to hit a couple more rides and we where all fresh and happy to be back. Takeaway pizza and a few beers rounded off a great day.

Day three

Today we hit the Kennedy Space Center. I really loved it last time but dragging a bored toddler along wasn't so great. He wanted to see the mouse not this. He was still impressed by Saturn 5 and the rocket garden but mostly he was bored. KSC has a lot to see and as an adult or a family with older kids its great. After a few tantrums the adults gave up at 12 and we headed home for takeaway burgers and a nap for Ewan and Andrew. Philip and I decided to hit the outlet malls. Oh boy did we hit the shops. A world where you can buy Levi jeans for $40 deserves to be worshipped. Three hours and many bags later we returned home happy and shopped out.

Next Orlando part Deux

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