Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So sick of eggs

So this is my paleo diet update. Day 17 and I hate eggs. I loathe eggs. In truth I have never really liked them but they form a huge part of this diet. The first week I had eggs for breakfast every morning. Breakfast is aleady a  battle for me as I have never liked eating in the morning. The eggs just add to the issue. I am thinking of just eating fruit in the morning but that is higher sugar so we will see.

Enough of the moaning...

I am now sitting at 77kg which means a total weight loss of 5kg's. People have started to notice and my clothes are feeling a bit loss.

I do need to push the exercise but I am just not finding the time. I need to actually set a time in the day and force myself to work out.


Anyway it's an uphill battle but besides the eggs I am enjoying Paleo and finding it quite easy to follow.

A normal post will follow tomorrow:)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Paleo 30 day Challenge

One of my resolutions for my thirties was to lose the baby weight gained from two pregnancies. I tried a couple of diets but as somebodywho spent years not eating I find progammes that have points difficult. I tend to try and get as few points as possible using exercise and not eating. Not exactly the point... I know.

My Doctor suggested the Paleo diet and since my husband had just heard a talk about the diet and wanted to give it a go the timing was perfect.

The basics:

Paleo does not involve points or counting calories. The idea is to simply eat the way hunter-gathers did. This means no processed foods, carbs or diary. I did a lot or research and most of it really makes sense. When you shop on the Paleo diet you stick to the edges of the supermarket and fill your trolley with fruits, vegetables, nuts and meats.

So the 30 day challenge:

I am sticking completely to the diet for 30 days(okay I will have the occasional white wine spritzer). It's a really short period of time and I want to give this diet the best chance. After 30 days I will decided if I want to continue, adapt the diet a bit or stop altogther. I plan to write here every few days just to update on weight loss, cm loss and how I am feeling. Hopefully this will help others wanting to try Paleo.

The start:

I started the diet on Monday 02-02-2014. The night before I ate a carb fest from KFC to get it all out of my system.

Breakfasts have consisted of omlettes with bacon or leftovers from dinner. Lunch is fruit or steamed veg. Dinner so far has been steak and salad or meat and veg. Tonight we are having people over for dinner so I am doing a chicken bake with cauliflower and pumpkin mash,


I haven't actually missed carbs and I do feel full after a meal. Today - day 3 I have a bit of headache which Dr.Google says is normal as your body suffers withdrawal symptoms from carbs, sugar, diary and proccessed foods. On a more personal note I have the heaviest period of my life which is also apparently common but this does stop as your hormone levels even out.

The only thing I do is miss is chocolate and that will be coming back to an extent after the thirty days.


I did have a cider at my parents house on Monday. Whoops but I don't think it matters too much.

The important info:

All the measurements where taken on Sunday night.

Weight: 82kg

Waist: 94cm

Hips: 110cm

Bust: 98cm

Wow okay I am really putting that out for the world to read. Don't judge I weighed 42kg's when I left school. Okay you can judge me... I judge myself. I did need to gain about 15kgs after school as I was severly underweight but 40 is pushing it. My goal now is 62 kgs by September 10. I know I can do it.

I will be doing kettlebell workouts, yoga and cardio so not all weightloss can be attributed to the diet.

So let's start this journey and I would love your support along the way.


I'm back:)

I am back.... although the website still looks awful I have decided to just live with it until I can get someone else to do the design and editing work. I promise it will become more social media friendly. Some days I wish I could go back to Blogger as that was so much easier.


Since I left a few things have happened:

* My beautiful niece Sasha was born on January 1st. She was also the first baby born in Alberlito hopsital this year so the North Coast Courier did an article on her which you can find here. Isn't she so cute?

* I turned 30. Wow I still can't believe I am 30. My husband planned a surprise weekend away for me to Misty Peaks in the Drakensberg. I had a fantastic weekend surrounded by friends and family in a spectacular setting. It did rain all weekend but the mountains look great even in the mist.

* Husband gave me a pendant with a tanzinite rock that dwarfs my engagement ring. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

* Zoey started crawling. Now she is in everything and so Ewan is learning to hide his toys.

*Ewan started Grade RR. He is so close to being able to read and write. Thought about moving him straight to Grade R but after talking it over with a few people decide to leave him in RR. He will be 5 in June which means he would be 18 six months after leaving school. I don't think he would handle being the youngest in his year very well socially and emotionally.

*I have some very big news that hopefully I can tell you about soon. It will change so many things in my life and I am sure the changes will be for the better.

* I can finally call myself a writer. I have a number of freelance jobs coming in and it's slowly starting to pay. My first book has passed the $200 mark on Amazon which isn't a huge amount but it's a start. Praise from a few well known editors in this country for pitches I have sent has given me the self belief I so badly needed. So onward and upward.

Hopefully my thirties will bring me to a happier and more content place in my life.

So what have you all been up to?