Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hellooo anybody there

Yes I am an awful blogger. As soon as work and writing take over my world my blog gets thrown to the side. I neglect it for a week or two and then I feel terrible.

So here is a short update

* Ewan was in his first school play. He was a penguin and a very cute one at that. He ran across the stage in the middle of the song and spent the rest of the time looking very bemused. Ewan as a penguin and his Pappa

*The entire play was in German. Great that the school teaches most of the kids in their first language but I was lost.

* I am not cut out to be a school mommy. We were told on the day to bring eats for the concert. There were lots of home made treats there. Mine was picked up at the last minute from Pick n Pay.

* Ewan is now horse riding twice a week and loving it. I am so glad its certainly a useful skill to have. Just as long as he doesn't want his own horse.

* Fake me ( i.e my pen name for romances) has more friends on FB then I do. I am not sure what to think about that. By more I mean she has 300 more friends at last count then I do.

*Fifty Shades of Grey has put the world of FanFiction into the spotlight. I am still not sure what to think of that either. It has always been my little world to hide in and write stories.

*My brother arrives back in SA for a short visit on the 24 July. I am counting the days. It seems a lifetime ago that I last saw him. I am going to Kruger with him and his girlfriend for a week. I can't wait for that trip although I will miss Ewan and Andrew.

I think thats all of my news. At the moment I am flooded with work, studies and writing. I am sure things will calm down eventually. I will still try and be a better blogger and get here at least once a week.

Till then....I will be right here working away at that in pile.

1 comment:

  1. Nah, do not be fooled by the home baked goods - they either knew from last year or somewhere else or they do nothing but be mommies. And you are just way more than that.

    Yeah on the Kruger and the horse riding.
