Thursday, January 24, 2013

Catch Up

I don't have time at the moment for a full post so here are some points of news around here.

* Ewan started Grade RRR on Wednesday last week. He was uber excited as his class is in the new room they built last year. I was excited as I needed to get back to the real world and work. I adore having him around but the last two days we really got on each others nerves. There are a number of new kids at his school and he has picked up some nasty tricks from them including screaming if he doesn't get his way. Somethings I don't like about school. There used to be a policy that the kids had to speak English or German to attend that school but ummm that doesn't seem to apply anymore. I can imagine there will be a big fight at the AGM. Thankfully we won't be here for it.


* Friday next week we fly to the USA for three weeks. I really can't believe I am giving up money to go back again but Ewan is so excited at the thought. Luckly little guy travelling so much as a child. So in two weeks time I will be walking through Disney again but I will have a smile on my face at my childs happiness.


*Monday I have an appointment with a fetal specialist for the 20 week anatomy scan. I still can't believe I am twenty weeks pregnant. It seems crazy as I have only put on 1kg and I am still wearing my normal clothes. Some days I have lots of aches and pains but others I have to stop myself from having a glass of wine with dinner.


*I have been doing a lot of swearing at the computer watching the Rand fall drastically thanks to all the strikes and unrest. I know my problem is small but really over R9 to the $. I did not budget for that thank you.

* Next week Thursday is my birthday. I don't think there will be much of a celebration considering I can't have a drink and the next day I have a 12 hour flight to get on.

* Since Ewan was born I have a crazy fear of flying. I am fine if its just me on the flight but I get very frightened with him on board. The what if something happens seems to fill my brain the whole time. I can't imagine his little life being cut short for a holiday. I know its crazy so I force myself to fly anyway. Part of the problem could be the Air France disaster happened the week he was born so I watched everything about it. So on Friday I get to be terrified again. The worst part is I used to love flying. I even wanted to be a flight attendent at one point in my life.

So I hope all is well in your lives. I will try to blog more next week before we leave.


  1. Very exciting! Enjoy the trip. And I also get more anxious if I have kids ons a flight

  2. Wow, you are lucky! Enjoy the holiday! :D
