Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mommy Types

I know this is completely random and really shouldn't upset me BUT... On Facebook a few of my friends in this area posted one of those generic Tag posts. The idea was to post a pic that made you proud to be a Mommy and tag all of your friends that you think are great Mom's and would post a proud Mommy pic of their own.

Drum Roll....
Nobody tagged me.

Yes I know that Facebook is stupid and doesn't really matter in real life but still... sad face moment.

I have coffee dates with these women when I get a chance, so we do see each other on a fairly regular basis. I have hosted baby showers for them and bought presents for kids. We have spent numerous play dates together but I am still not really considered that type of Mommy. The one who would have proud Mommy moments.

It took me a while to think about the difference between myself and these women. I finally realised the truth and it wasn't pleasant. They are all stay-at-home Moms and everybody they tagged was a stay-at-home Mom. I am an evil work-from-home Mom. I can't imagine how much the full-time working Mom's are being judged.

As a point, I am not judging stay-at-home parents. If you are happy in your life I will not judge your choices. However, you are judging me and adding to the already over-whelming guilt I feel.

Yes, there are times I have to skip moments with my kid because of work projects. I won't always be there for them. I am working so that they can go to the best school I can afford, so they have a roof over their heads in a safe place, so that I can give them the best life that I can.

Then comes the crux, I work because I love it. If I didn't need another cent in my life, I would still write. I wouldn't write for anybody else. I would write for the pure joy it brings me.

So yes, I will miss out on moments when I have a deadline, I will stay up past midnight to get things done but none of that makes me a bad Mother.

I adore my kids and I am proud Mommy. They mean the world to me and if you think that my job means that I don't care as much, you are blind.

If you work a full-time job and still manage to juggle a family, I salute you and tag you to show a proud-mommy moment.

If you work from home and stay up all night to get a job done, here is your tag and please show your proud-mommy moment.

If you are a stay-at-home, please show your proud-mommy moment.

We are all proud of our little ones and doing the best we can. Let's not make things harder by judging each other.


  1. Oh I know! I was however tagged on this (I think here in Gauteng it is maybe more the usual) but I did not ta anyone You know why? What if I leave someone out and they feel offended? I mean honestly I can not imagine thinking and tagging every great om I know.So I just left it

  2. I saw a few of those floating around but wasn't tagged either. But to be honest I didn't spend more than a couple of seconds thinking about it. Quite unusual for me as I have FOBLO.

    But I agree with your post. It's hard being a mother no matter what the circumstances are. We should support one another, not judge.

  3. I saw a few of those floating around but wasn't tagged either. But to be honest I didn't spend more than a couple of seconds thinking about it. Quite unusual for me as I have FOBLO.

    But I agree with your post. It's hard being a mother no matter what the circumstances are. We should support one another, not judge.
