Friday, August 19, 2011

Cover Fun

So my Kindle single is ready to upload. Its a short story but that is the nature of Kindle single. This turned out to be a very good thing as I have had so much to do this week getting everything ready for our trip next week.  The amount to do was made bigger by me cancelling a hotel I didn't like anymore and having to find another place to stay. All very last minute.

Anyway as I said the book is ready but I am having trouble designing a cover for it. Since the book is going to be free I don't want to spend money doing the cover. Hopefully I will get something sorted today or over the weekend so the book should go up on Monday and be available on Wednesday.

So don't judge this book to harshly. Its free and it is no way meant to be a great masterpiece. Its just a way for me to find out how the system works.

I am going to be writing under two different names. The first is Kathleen Duncan and I will publish drama, romance and chic lit type stories under this name. The second will be my actual name Kathleen Logan and I will use this to publish thrillers,crime dramas, fantasy and strangely travel books:)

So the Kindle Single will be Letting Go - Book one of the Failed Love Series by Kathleen Duncan.  Hope you get some entertainment from it.

1 comment:

  1. Why not commision Nadia to do your cover design?
